What is the Most Underrated Currency for Success? – Health!

8 tips for prioritizing health for success cre8shift entrepreneurship health is your most valuable asset professional development self-care success well-being Oct 29, 2023


In the frenetic world of entrepreneurship and the high-stakes realm of professional achievement, the pursuit of success often leads individuals to underestimate and sacrifice their most valuable asset: health. The hustle culture has romanticized long hours, sleepless nights, and constant stress as badges of honor. However, the hard-hitting truth is that this mindset can take a substantial toll on your physical and mental well-being.

This article explores the intricate relationship between health and success, debunking myths, shedding light on harsh realities, providing compelling statistics, and presenting practical steps to prioritize well-being. To guide us on this journey, we'll draw insights from renowned medical experts Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Gabrielle Lyon and highlight real-life examples of influential figures like Sheryl Sandberg, Ed Mylett, Amy Porterfield, and Tony Robbins.



Myths & Misconceptions

Before we delve deeper into the discussion, let's address the two most common myths and misconceptions about health and success:

Myth: Success requires relentless work.

Reality: Success demands a balanced approach, including health, for long-term sustainability.

Myth: Sacrificing health is a necessary evil for achievement.

Reality: Prioritizing health can enhance your ability to achieve and maintain success.

According to Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, a leading functional medicine physician, this couldn't be further from the truth. She emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between health and professional success. Her assertion is that a well-nourished body enhances cognitive function, creativity, and resilience, which are all essential for professional accomplishments.

As we've just explored, dispelling the myths around health and success is the first step in recognizing the value of well-being on our professional journey. Now, let's dive into the stark realities that many entrepreneurs and career-driven professionals face daily. The pursuit of success, while rewarding, often comes at a cost.


The Harsh Realities of Entrepreneurial Life & The Career-Driven Professional

Entrepreneurship, while rewarding, comes with its set of harsh realities. According to HubSpot, more than half of entrepreneurs work irregular or odd hours, and 84% of small business owners report working more than 40 hours per week, with 19% working more than 60 hours per week. The chronic stress that often accompanies entrepreneurial endeavors can have dire consequences for health.

Now, let's compare the realities of busy career professionals. In an Owl Labs survey, more than half of busy career professionals (in the U.S.) work irregular or odd hours (working outside of the traditional 9-to-5 workday). Additionally, 80% of full-time employees work more than 40 hours per week, with 21% working more than 60 hours per week. Furthermore, a study conducted by the American Psychological Association said, 75% of adults reported that work-related stress has had a negative impact on their physical health.

Stats: Validating Why Health & Well-being Needs to be Prioritized

The statistics are staggering and serve as a wake-up call for those who think health is expendable in the pursuit of success:

  • 40% of entrepreneurs report feeling stressed most of the time. (Source: Inc.)

  • Only 25% of entrepreneurs get enough sleep on a regular basis. (Source:

  • Business professionals are 30% more likely to experience depression than the general population. (Source: World Health Organization)

  • Business professionals are twice as likely to suffer from heart disease as the general population. (Source: American Heart Association)

What do all these stats mean?

In short, they're an indication that both entrepreneurs and professionals are at substantial risk for a variety of health problems due to long working hours, relentless stress, and insufficient sleep. Reality calls for a reevaluation of priorities.

So, how does it get out of control...and, why doesn't health and well-being get prioritized?



Most Common Challenges & Related Problems to Why Health Doesn't Get Prioritized 

Despite knowing the value of health, many entrepreneurs and professionals face significant challenges when it comes to prioritizing it. The following obstacles are frequently encountered:

  1. Time Constraints: Entrepreneurs and professionals often work irregular or long hours, making it difficult to allocate time for exercise, meal preparation, and relaxation.
  2. Stress & Burnout: High levels of stress are pervasive in demanding careers, which can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating, increased alcohol consumption, or smoking.
  3. Sleep Deprivation: The relentless pursuit of success often leads to insufficient and poor-quality sleep. 
  4. Ignoring Nutrition: Fast food and unhealthy dietary choices become the norm when professionals prioritize work over their health.
  5. Lack of Awareness: Many professionals underestimate the importance of health in their journey to success.


The Link Between Health and Entrepreneurial/Professional Success

It's not a coincidence that many of the world's most successful entrepreneurs and professionals are also advocates for health and well-being. The profound connection between the two is irrefutable.

In the world of entrepreneurship and professional careers, health serves as the bedrock upon which all other achievements are built. Renowned health expert Dr. Mark Hyman advocates for the idea that "food is medicine." He asserts that a well-balanced diet and proper nutrition are key elements to maintaining good health.

When entrepreneurs and professionals prioritize their health, they can expect to experience increased energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being. These qualities are vital for thriving in highly competitive fields. Let's look at the following examples:

Ed Mylett - a peak-performance expert, and entrepreneur, maintains a disciplined fitness routine. He understands that keeping his body and mind in peak condition allows him to seize opportunities, face challenges head-on, and inspire those who follow him.

Amy Porterfield - an ex-corporate girl, #1 NY Times bestselling author, online marketing expert and the host of the top-ranked podcast, is another advocate for the health-wealth connection. She underscores how focusing on health not only improves productivity but also nurtures resilience in the face of the inevitable challenges that arise in business.


The Common Denominator of All Successful Entrepreneurs/Professionals - Health!

If we were to survey some of the most successful entrepreneurs, professionals, and corporate leaders, would we find that health is a common thread among them?

Well. let's take Sheryl Sandberg, the former Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, for example. She is not only a highly influential figure in the corporate world but also a vocal advocate for resilience and coping with adversity. After the sudden death of her husband, she authored the book "Option B" on overcoming challenges and promoting well-being. Her advocacy of health and well-being shines through in her work. She believes that the seeds of resilience are planted in the way we process negative events. For Sheryl, health is not just about physical well-being, but also mental and emotional strength. Her emphasis on resilience and well-being underscores their vital role in achieving success in business and life.

Tony Robbins is another example. As an entrepreneur, #1 NY Times bestselling author, philanthropist, and the nation's #1 life & business strategist, he's not just a titan of motivation but also a living testament to the benefits of prioritizing health. He emphasizes the significance of energy management, and it's evident in his rigorous exercise regimen and carefully curated diet. Maintaining peak physical and mental health allows him to continually serve as an influential mentor and life transformer.

What do Ed Mylett, Amy Porterfield, Sheryl Sandberg, and Tony Robbins have in common, apart from their enormous success? They all prioritize their health. This is not a mere coincidence; it's a pattern that successful individuals across various industries follow. They recognize that health and well-being is not an obstacle to success but a cornerstone upon which it's built.


Good News…Your Habits are the Key to Uncovering the Obstacles in Your Path

The first step toward prioritizing health is to examine your daily habits. Recognizing the obstacles that hinder your well-being can lead to positive change.

Are you constantly working long hours and neglecting sleep?

Do you turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms when stressed?

Identifying these patterns is crucial for breaking free from them.


8 Tips for Prioritizing Your Health as an Entrepreneur or Professional

TIP #1:  Schedule Health. Just as you schedule meetings and work tasks, make time for you with exercise and self-care.

TIP #2:  Prioritize Rest. Quality sleep is non-negotiable. A well-rested mind and body are essential for recovery, cognitive function, and success.

TIP #3:  Keep Hydrated. Hydration is often overlooked but plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health and performance. It's fundamental to your physical and mental well-being.

TIP #4:  Stay In-Motion. Include physical activity in your schedule. Even a short daily walk or workout can significantly boost your energy levels and mental clarity. 

TIP #5:  Focus on Nutrition. Fuel your body with a balanced diet, the right nutrients, and whole foods to boost energy and brainpower.

TIP #6:  Mind Your Mental Health. Don't neglect your mental's as crucial as your physical health. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques into your daily routine.

TIP #7:  Set Boundaries. Establish limits on work hours to prevent burnout. Delegation, outsourcing, and time management are key to balancing your professional and personal life.

TIP #8:  Track Your Habits. Consider using tools like cre8shift's Well-being Tracker to elevate your awareness around lifestyle choices to improve your overall health and well-being.


What's the Outcome?

The evidence is clear: health is the most underrated currency in the world of entrepreneurship and professional success. Prioritizing health is not a hindrance to success but a pathway to it. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon and Dr. Mark Hyman's insights, coupled with real-life examples from Sheryl Sandberg, Tony Robbins, Ed Mylett, and Amy Porterfield, underscore the significance of health in achieving professional greatness.

The statistics reveal the stark reality that prioritizing work over health can lead to a host of health issues and consequences. Your habits and daily choices are the keys to unlocking a healthier, more successful life. With a shift in mindset, an elevated awareness, and intentional changes to your habits, you can not only achieve professional success but also enjoy the riches of good health.

Remember, health is wealth, and investing in it is the smartest decision you can make on your path to entrepreneurial and professional success.


Find Out How cre8shift Can Be Part of Your Health & Well-being Journey

As you embark on your journey to prioritize health, consider using tools like the Well-being Tracker from cre8shift. It offers an integrated approach to tracking lifestyle choices and habits to improve your well-being. By elevating your awareness, it can also help identify key elements linked to reaching your business/career goals and a more prosperous life.

Coaching and programs offered are designed with you in mind, and we'll help you monitor your nutrition, exercise, stress levels, and sleep patterns. cre8shift provides insights and personalized recommendations to help you achieve your health and professional goals simultaneously.

By implementing the tips provided and utilizing tools like cre8shift's Well-being Tracker, you can ensure that your health becomes an asset on your journey to entrepreneurial and professional success. Remember, health is wealth, and it's time to invest wisely!

When you're ready to begin the journey, you can find us at [email protected] or


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